Boosted Burgers


Who doesn’t love a good old iconic Aussie burger or beef patty?  We do!  Although we have our old time fave foods we are always trying to improve the nutrient density and them by applying our knowledge of traditional foods, so we find ourselves re-creating these common foods with an improved healthy twist. This is one of those creations.  These burgers are certainly boosted with nutrients from the beef liver, veggies & plentiful garlic. They are devoid of inflammatory wheat & grain, using linseed meal instead to bind, but the real bonus is they taste delicious. These burgers have been child tested and approved.  They serve well with a salad as a bun-less burger but they also work well slow cooked in broth and served with warm veggies for a Royal Breakfast. We hope you enjoy them! 

Boosted Burgers
Child tested and approved these burgers are boosted with nutrient dense liver, veggies, a load of flavourful garlic. They serve well with salad as a bun-less burger or they make a great Royal Breakfast slow cooked in broth and served with warm veggies.
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  1. 1 kg of organic grass fed beef mince
  2. 1/2-1 cup of ground beef liver
  3. 2 medium onions
  4. 4 cloves of garlic
  5. 2 small-medium carrots
  6. 1 medium zucchini
  7. 1 egg
  8. 100g linseed meal
  9. 2/3 cup of finely chopped parsley
  10. sea salt & pepper
  1. Chop onion, parsley & garlic really fine in food processor.
  2. Place in bowl with mince and ground liver.
  3. Chop carrots and zucchini really fine in food processor.
  4. Add to bowl with mince together with egg and linseed meal.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Combine well.
  7. Form into small patties (about 6cm diameter and 3cm high).
  8. Heat ghee/tallow over gently heat and place burgers in pan and gently push down to flatten.
  9. Sear to brown on both sides.
  10. Spoon some beef broth into the pan with burgers (about 1/2-1cm covering pan) place lid on and cook on low until cooked through.
  1. If you don't have broth on hand you can just cook these like a burger, frying each side until cooked. Just be careful not to burn them, so cook over med. heat.

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